Increase efficacy, decrease resistance – with our chemical enhancer.
The battle against fungi and weeds is relentless. They fight back. And the lack of new active ingredients makes the problem even worse. By chemically down-regulating specific cellular de-toxification mechanisms, TCS discovered a way to make fungi and weeds more susceptible to conventional crop protection products. At the same time, our enhancers reduce the evolution of resistance – extending the formulation life and product lifecycle of major crop protection products.
Many plant pathogenic fungi, weeds and other organisms share a common method of cellular de-toxification, which relies on the activity of certain specific cellular transport mechanisms. Our chemical enhancers target those transporters and inhibit their activity, which increases the efficacy of the chemical actives.
From the perspective of plant pest cells, TCS technology reduces their ability to expel toxins – meaning that those cells retain more of the active ingredients that control them.
Our enhancers are non-toxic by themselves, and enable formulators to use less active, increase effectiveness, and reduce environmental impacts.